Alright, I've finally have a usable version up. It's jumbled up so go to Warhawk Pro-Flight, Tips and Tricks to get to the first page.
Dingo out
What's on this blog:
Home to Warhawk clan B.I.T.E members
NOTE: Since this is an "OPEN" blog (members anyway) please be mindful of your words. Be polite when insulting.
-DingoAlright, I've finally have a usable version up. It's jumbled up so go to Warhawk Pro-Flight, Tips and Tricks to get to the first page.
Reported by Dingo at 19:07 141 comments
    So thus concludes my guide on Pro-Flight. The most important aspect of getting the best out of anything is to try everything. Once you've tried everything, you'll gain a better understanding of what works and what doesn't. There is no one trick or method that will always work. Sooner or later you'll go up against someone who'll read your tricks and counter it. If you don't have anymore tricks up sleeve, then you are officially screwed.
    The purpose of this guide is to introduce players to the Pro-Flight controls and encourage you to try it out. It may or may not be to your liking. The other purpose is to dig deeper into what PF can do. I'm not the best dogfighter out there and I make silly mistakes often but I take pride knowing that I'm good. Believe me or not I don't need anyone or some statistic to tell me that, I judge my own performance and I've got very high standards when it comes to personal achievements.
    Set yourself a certain standard and work to live up to it and to go beyond it. There are so many great players out there who think they are unbeatable and yearn for a challenge. Will you take up the offer? On a final note, I hope my guide has helped you one way or another. Remember that even if you are the worst player in the world, it's just a game! Real life is so much more fun!
Reported by Dingo at 18:42 2 comments
    If I can sum up what makes the best Warhawk pilots, it'll probably be:
    I've already explained the advantages/differences between the default flight controls and Pro-Flight. Now, I'll dig deeper into getting the most out of PF.
Mixing it up
If there's anything that frustrates dogfighters most it's definitely losing track of their prey. It's a real blow to his pride if he turns from the hunter, to the hunted.
The key to grabbing the odds and pitting them against your pursuer is mixing it up. In PF, you don't have the luxury of auto-maneuvers*1. Instead you have the freedom to work any situation as you see fit. Remember, you're in the air and have almost unlimited space. Get out of the Horizontal mentality. It's not just left and right. Move diagnally, vertically, use the environment. Mix it up and catch your enemy flat-footed. |
There's no Right and Wrong Side
The Warhawk/Nemesis are the greatest fighter planes....Period. They defy the laws of Physics. Regardless whether you're sideways, right side up or upside down, your aircraft flies the way its supposed to. It's only limited to your abilities.
That said, get accustomed to flying and fighting upside down and sideways. It'll increase your response times (when attacking) a lot. Works when tracking enemies around obstacles or taking down that pesky pilot who likes to fly around you, like a fly you can't seem to swat. |
Finding Your Bearings
Remember, the mini-map is your friend. I will talk a bit about orientating yourself and the mini-map in the Tips and Tricks page but here, I will explain to you a little more in-depth.
The biggest problem for any PF user has to be getting oneself reorientated after big maneuvers. Unlike the default controls that auto-centers you after pulling of an auto-maneuver*1, so you have to continously be on the ball when using PF.
. Check your mini-map ever so often for enemies, if that arrow (the one that points to hostile enemies outside your mini-map) is directly behind you then take it that you're being tailed. Stay out of their view and Don't be caught unaware!
. Always remember that regardless of your rotation*2, the mini-map is always right. It's easy to get disorientated during and after evasive maneuvers but reorientation is key to counterattacking. Otherwise, either you make a break for it (live to fight another day) or put some distance between you and your pursuer to find him again. Why? Experience has taught me that if you've pissed off players enough, they'll keep on hunting for you, especially the good ones. |
Reported by Dingo at 18:18 3 comments
    Here I will explain the mechanics of flying using Pro Flight. Think of this as a dummies guide so I'll explain everything as simply as I can. Everything I have here is based off my own knowledge and experience of using Pro Flight so if you have a better method, it's up to you to pick and choose what suits you most.
Also, the key to Pro Flight is being comfortable with the controls. It takes time, practice and patience. As they say "If at first you don't succeed, then try and try again".
    Before you can pull off your own crazy maneuvers, you'll have to get your basics right. Accustom yourself to them before trying out more advanced maneuvers and tricks. You'll know that you've progressed when everything feels second nature and that's the way it should be.
Quick pitches: Remember that both LR analog sticks control pitch, so by pulling down or pushing up on both Left and Right sticks your Warhawk will pitch up (nose up) and pitch down (nose down) faster. |
Quick rolls: Tap left or right on the Left Stick and your aircraft tilts (holding turns the Warhawk) left or right respectively. Push the Right Analog Stick in the same direction, during a roll, to roll your plane faster. |
Quick turns: Requires a little more practice but it is the staple of every PF user. There are 2 methods do this but both yield the same results though one is a little harder to pull off. Method 1 Do a quick roll to but hold the Left Stick (to turn). Once you got your rotation*2 right (in this case tilted 90o left or right) pull down on your Right Stick, while still turning with the Left Stick, to do a quick turn. Method 2 Similar to Method 1, only this time do a quick roll and once in the right rotation*2 pull down on both LR Sticks. This is harder to pull off accurately but it seems to be faster than Method 1. Pick a method which you are more comfortable and stick with it, though I'd recommend Method 1. Also, Quick Turning is a better method over Powersliding when doing tight maneuvers. |
Reported by Dingo at 12:01 3 comments
(Use at your own discretion. Different skill levels may yield different results)
What is it good for: Makes you a more effective pilot. Works like a charm and believe me you'll be more combat effective. Not just in Warhawk. How to: It's not a trick but it's something that always helps me. Get used to using 6 fingers when piloting. Thumbs for the sticks and d-pad, Index fingers for R1 and L1, Middle fingers for R2 and L2. |
Powersliding for dummies
What is it good for: Quick turns and tight maneuvers. How to: Simply press L2 and R2 together and you'll slide. Let go of either or both and you'll stop sliding. Advanced sliding tips:Powerslides are only useful for quick turns and tight maneuvers. There's no point in sliding EVERYTIME you make a turn cause you'll be vulnerable to attacks. The delay after a slide is long enough for your pursuer to lock a homing missile on you. Which trigger you release will affect how you exit a slide. Release R2 and hold L2 and you'll be able to do a tight brake. Release L2 while holding R2 slides you even further at the end of a slide. Releasing both is somewhere in between. Use according to the situation. Another use for Powerslides is when you need to adjust your aim without changing your direction. Powerslide and hold, then aim as usual. You'll still be moving forward with little to no change in direction. It's more useful for PF users but use with caution cause any Powerslide momentarily but drastically lowers your chances of evasion. |
Feinting and Missiles
What is it good for: Fool your prey into wasting his/her chaff. How to: Fire a single swarm missile. This will fool them into thinking you're hitting them with a homing missile. Once you are sure that your prey has wasted his/her chaff or didn't have any to begin with, lock-on with multiple SWARMS or a HOMING MISSILE and blast away. Advanced missile: Don't you just hate it when your swarm misses because the fella keeps doing funky stunts to evade them? Here's what you can do. SWARM MISSILES: Feint as usual. Another thing about feinting is that it often triggers your prey to start his evasive maneuvers. Don't worry, keep him in sight, and after you get a good number of locks, close in on him fast (remember, don't lose sight of him!). There are a couple of factors that affects your SWARM's acurracy. 3 of the most important:
HOMING MISSILE: The same rules of accuracy apply to HOMING MISSILES only difference being HOMING MISSILES can't be evaded using aerial manuevers, most of the time. So feinting is a good option to get rid of them CHAFFS. The best use for a homing missile is to finish off your prey. Damage him a little bit (about 20%), close in and release. A very good tactic that I always use is the AERIAL MACHINE GUN and HOMING MISSILE combo. |
A pilot's best friend: The AERIAL MACHINE GUN (AMG for short)
What is it good for: Other than killing your enemies, the AMG is a useful way to discourage a teammate's pursuer and most importantly, it tells you the remaining life of your intended prey. So check the status of your prey, it lets you prepare the appropriate weapon in your available arsenal to be used for a swift kill and also prevents ammo wastage. How to: Fire a couple of shots to reveal your prey's Health. Advanced AMG: Use bursts of AMG fire to prevent overheating. Time them right (less than a second in between) and you'll never have an over-heated AMG ever again. |
Kill or Be Killed
What is it good for: A good movie title How to:I always have this "mantra" in my head. It has saved me a lot of times and is a great for keeping your kills high and your deaths low. When you pick a target, quickly finish him off. If a dogfight takes too long and you feel too exposed, head for cover because chances are that you're already being locked on. |
Orientation and the Mini-Map (OMM)
What is it good for: It's the most important aspect of piloting a Warhawk. If you're gonna pull off big, fancy maneuvers and want to get the edge over your enemies then you're gonna get used to Orientating yourself with the Mini-Map. How to: The mini-map is very straight forward. It will twist and turn according to which way you're facing but simply, it tells you exactly where your enemy is on the horizontal plane. Right is right, left is left etc regardless of your rotation*2. It only takes your facing into consideration. The size of the icons change (your Warhawk's icon will stay the same) to reflect the vertical distance between you and your enemy ie. as you get further(vertically) from your enemy, so will your enemy icon shrink or grow depending on who is above/below who (bigger means above you, smaller means below you). Though the difference in sizes is hardly noticeable and when someone's lit your ass up(lock-on) you probably can't bother. Advanced Orientation and Mini-Map: In the most ideal of situations (when you're not being flanked, you're not marked for death, one on one fights, it's very straight forward, but what if you're climbing/diving vertically? That's when getting used to OMM pays off. Read Finding your Bearings in the Pro-Flight Maneuvers page. |
Using the Environment
What is it good for: Mountains, vallies, ridges, cliffs. They're there so use them! Good for losing pursuers and even better for getting the jump on them and getting the odds to your favor. How to: There are only 5 different landscapes in the game. Get to know each and everyone of them. . Find safespots where you can lose enemies or just catch a breath. . Develop routes and plans around the terrain. . Use the terrain to stop your enemies' missiles, block their view and confuse them . Mountains and high cliffs are 2 of your best friends. The environment can only help you as much as you can exploit it. It is not the ultimate defense or the ultimate tactic. Use it inappropriately and the next thing you see is your limp...and very dead, in-game self cartwheeling to the ground or into the sea. |
Timed Boosting What is it good for: Extending the life of your Boost. Depending on how you use this method, it can either help you none or help you A LOT. How to: Like the AMG method, use bursts of Boost to get the more distance. The best would be to just tap R2 (boost) twice and not hold it for a second and a half, then boost again. Rinse and repeat. Though UNLIKE the AMG method, you can't get "unlimited" Boost. Depending on the time in between each Boost, you can get up to 3 boosts which may not seem like much but it gets you further than if you hold down the boost. You're probably thinking what's the point. Timed Boosting is a great help during evasions. Firstly, you're not wasting your Boost and by the time you run out of Boost, you're more likely to be in good cover. Secondly, it's the only way that I know of to get out (and survive) of a situation involving you and a big group of enemies. |
TRICK: Crash Dummy
What is it good for: Getting rid of that annoying tailgater. I'm a big advocate of not using airmines so for nut cases like myself, this has helped me more than often though I don't get any points since it's a suicide count (for my victim) but makes for a good laugh. Nonetheless this is a pretty risky maneuver and the chances of success are very slim but it'll definitely frustrate your pursuer. How to: Simply fly towards an obstacle, be it a mountain, cliff, or a if you think you're good enough (or plain crazy), a friendly mine. Then steer out of the way when you're very close to the obstacle. Obviously, the closer your pursuer is the better. A variation: Instead of flying directly into a wall, use winding paths and/or obstacles with tight spaces. Such as the Valleys, in the Bad Lands, the dividing river in Island Outpost, Archipelago is a haven for slippery devils or the 2 tallest sky scrapers in Destroyed Capital. The more complicated and tighter your maneuvers, the better. Most important thing to note is the distance and height of your pursuer to yourself, these days smarter players tend to fly higher and put more distance between you and them. So use the appropriate obstacle/path. Regardless of which version you use, the Crash Dummy trick is a double-edged sword that MUST be used wisely. |
Reported by Dingo at 11:55 60 comments
A little background
    The first time I got in a Warhawk and tried the default controls, I had a bittersweet feeling (add dejavu). Why dejavu? It controlled a lot like a certain XBOX game which had flying in it (can't remember the name though). It was simple, and let you pull off some useful, yet cool, maneuvers with the flick of the right analog stick. Yet at the same time it was frustrating to use. The aim auto-centers, it's not useful when manuevering in tight spaces and it just didn't give me the control that I was used to from playing Ace Combat. Plus the Warhawk is a fast, super-responsive beast screaming "Go nuts!" as compared to AC's realistic planes.
    Switch to PF and you'll feel like your on a whole other level. Does it make you a pro all of a sudden? No, not even close. It's a challenge just to get yourself orientated at first. It takes a lot of time and practice to get it right. Even when you think you're good to go, there's still a lot more you can learn. Mastery will take dedication, patience and lots of silly mistakes.
More control = More manueverability
First thing you'll notice is that you have 100% control of your Warhawk/Nemesis (for easier reading I'll refer only to the Warhawk). Turns, pitches, rolls, climbs, dives, it's all you. Even pull off precision maneuvers at high speeds. This also allows you to pull off your own stunts and maneuvers. Come up with different evasive maneuvers to stun your pursuer or pull a fast one and take back control of a dogfight. Personally I don't like that I'm open to other attackers while doing auto-maneuvers*1. |
Powerslides versus PF turns
Powersliding is what sets a Warhawk apart from any other flight games. It is something that all aspiring Warhawk aces need to be familiar with. It lets you turn sharper and quicker than just dragging your aircraft around. I've been experimenting and comparing both Powersliding and using the PF to make quick turns. Both have their advantages and disadvantages and in this case, it's up to you to decide which you are more comfortable with. Personally, I have taken to NOT using Powerslides. Powerslides tend to be more uncontrollable and once you start sliding it'll be a while before you get control of your Warhawk. The time may seem minuscule but it's enough time for your pursuers to get a homing missile on you if you're in his line of sight.
PF turns give you the benefits of powerslides (quick turns) but you will still have control of your warhawk. Do quick turns in succession to confuse your enemy and/or turn the tables on him/her. The biggest problem is that there's a high chance of over-steering and you'll more than likely crash into something when you do. |
Freedom of aim
For me, the biggest perk of Pro-Flight is that your reticule does not auto-center. It's a bonus to pilots who prefer to gun down his/her enemies. It's also the an important part of pulling off maneuvers in tight situations and getting around obstacles quickly (One part of 2. Doesn't do much alone.) |
The Right Analog Stick (the other part)
This is the biggest difference between the default flight controls and PF. Your right analog stick now gives you 360 degree control of your Warhawk on all axis. At first it may seem like both the left and right analog sticks do the same thing and you'll probably be thinking "What the fuck? That's it?" Just dig a little bit below the surface and you'll find the lifeblood of PF. Experiment and master maneuvering using both sticks to get the best out of PF. Do that, and you'll be one slippery devil in the skies. |
    Like I've said, Pro Flight does not give you super Warhawk skills or automatically make you a better pilot. The price of total control of your Warhawk is a steep learning curve, long hours of practice and making mistakes ranging from laughable to downright ridiculous. Is all the frustration worth it? Oh yes indeed.
    You can always be the guy with the most kills in a match regardless of your control setting but if you want to stand out among the best pilots, to reign supreme over mano-a-mano dogfights, or make a fool of a squadron of enemies, PF is calling out to you.
Reported by Dingo at 11:55 1 comments
    Okay, you're sick and tired of the default controls and you want to try something new. OR, you think that the default controls are too restrictive and you want more control over your Warhawk. So, you switch over to Pro-Flight control and give it a spin. You'll either A. Really like it or B. Really really hate it. If you haven't experienced Pro-Flight (I'll use PF for short) then yes, these are the only two things that will happen. There's no in between. Trust me.
    2 weeks (since I first got my hands on it) after getting frustrated with the default controls, I decided that I wanted more control and I was gonna get it no matter what! I've been using PF ever since then and I have no intention of ever turning back.
    In this guide, I'll talk about the advantages of PF and also some tips and tricks for you to try out. Before you go any further here's the laydown on PF controls:
Left analog stick: Mainly controls your aiming reticule. Also for climbs, dives and turns. Right analog stick: Controls your craft's orientation ie. rolls, pitch, dives and climbs. Used in tandem (eg. pull up on both LR sticks to pitch up faster) these will allow you to perform quicker turns, quicker pitches, quicker rolls. Used opposingly (eg. aim and roll), it also lets you aim and make adjustments to your aircraft's orientation at the same time. Other buttons stay the same. |
Reported by Dingo at 19:00 162 comments
Labels: pro flight, tips, tricks, warhawk, WH
I can't remember how long it's been since Warhawk first released but to me it seems like a pretty long time. From the first few weeks of bugs to the current not so many bugs. From my "desperately in need of practice" skills to my now(personally opinion) super awesomely cool and skilled manuevers (and crashes). From 2 BSGs to one unified (and now maxed out.....again) BITE. It sure seems like a long time doesn't it.
BITE has progressed and so have its members. We have members who excel in different aspects of the game and together we have graced the top ten players in many rounds/matches. BITE has come far indeed. I am most happy that BITE members are living up to the BITE vision and mission. We're a happy go lucky bunch who just want to play and have fun but when push comes to shove, we can thrash it out with the best in the world. I'm more than proud to be in charge of this band of crazy mofos and if as long as there's a will, I'll work to keep BITE alive, even beyond Warhawk.
To all my brothers, sisters (and those sitting on the fence), let's keep the BITE spirit alive and continue to kick ass. BITE rocks and it'll always rule.
Dingo out!
Reported by Dingo at 12:23 0 comments
Hi fellow clanmates, recently my PS3 just up the lorry liao.. Also having lens problem. Mine was a imported set, so have to bring it to Sim Lim Square to repair.. Worst thing is next week going reservist for 2 weeks =( So see ya guys in another 3 weeks time!
Reported by Yoke84 at 12:35 1 comments
Juz to say that, listing down email address(can msn) or hp no. can allow us to contact each other easier(time/date/who and where). And if in the near future, if we can organise outings like BBQ, Geylang trip(eat porridges lah... What u thinking?), Changi Village (Chalet lah! Chalet! Dun think otherwise!) and etc.
Reported by BaiBai at 18:15 5 comments
Warhawk has got me addicted. I love the game and can't stop playing dogfights but it's time for the Dingo to take a break from Warhawk for a while. I'll be back probably after Hari Raya in better shape and with my gameface back on. Till then you fellas keep on playing and keep BSG in the limelight!
Reported by Dingo at 20:22 2 comments
Okay ladies, here's the drill. View the FULL post and post a comment to this post (bottom of this post btw) stating your PSN ID and your designation (BSG1 or BSG2). Those who's ID is not declared (one way or another) within a stipulated time shall be given the boot!
Too many going to the Medical Center and missing in action! Get your act together and tighten them boot laces soldiers!
Reported by Dingo at 23:11 17 comments
Sorry for the lack of posts and features and a big sorry for not updating the clan list in the blog! I've been so caught up with work, family, especially Warhawk, and now fasting month.
I'm gonna start working on the BITE Hall of Fame after tomorrow's Deathmatch. I'm currently looking for some sort of sponsor for prizes for matches so don't have to worry about me spending my own money!!
BTW, don't you think Pizza Hut is ripping you off? I mean the regular pizza is a joke! Might as well go for 2 for 1!
Reported by Dingo at 20:54 0 comments
And today, we welcome com_gwp to answer a few questions.
First, why don't you introduce yourself?
Name's Benjamin Wong Jun Jie. I'm a 16 year old JC1 student.
Harsh, those 2 years will be.
Couldn't agree more.
So what's up with that nick, and how the heck are people gonna read it?
com_gwp? It’s kinda of a random-spur-of-the-moment-revelation. No particular meaning to it at all, except it signifies how much I love my com and games.
I'm sure we all have our moments of utter randomness. So what games do you play?
Anything and everything. Shooter, rpgs, rts, platforming, etc. Mostly been playing on my pc, ds, ps2, and ps3.
Why play warhawk?
Warhawk, I didn't really give much care to at first when it showed up, because I thought it was another dogfighting game which I would hardly play. Then B.I.T.E came along. And then U, me, and him + him + him + her convinced me I should check this game out. And I've never looked back since.
So what kind of play style would take?
Whenever there is a pickup or weapon around me, I take, I use. Whether it’s on ground or in the skies, I go straight for the useful things around me before I try to engage. When there are planes needed, I can take skies, or when a base needs defending, I'll try to be there. I'm try to be a team player, and usually work best when there are allies around me....except when my poor aim gets the better of everyone.
Sounds like you're quite the teamkiller yourself.
Don't remind me. I used to be called the flash-banger in CS after my infamous flash-bang tactics wiped my team time and time......and time again.
Well, I'll try to stay outta your crosshairs then. Thanks for the time.
Peace, dude.
Reported by com_gwp at 23:57 0 comments
Because of the 30 man clan cap, cwchua7 has volunteered to lead the BSG2 team. Kudoos and big thanks man! There will be no changes for members, just chua7 and me will coordinate for things like BSG games.
Interested members can still PM/email me or PM cwchua7 at the GaX forums.
Reported by Dingo at 11:57 2 comments
Reported by HairyAsHell at 22:22 0 comments
Reported by t3hkor at 13:26 0 comments
Reported by BaiBai at 10:55 0 comments
Hi guys this is me or you folks can call me Fings in short! oh yah add me into the clan list :)
Reported by Fingers at 21:53 0 comments
I'm hosting one tomorrow night (6th September) Details here:
Reported by Dingo at 11:03 2 comments
As you have noticed, the left analog stick does not allow the plane to roll and loop. Only bank and climb. One flick of the right analog stick will make you roll and loop though. When you set to "Pro Flight", the right analog stick gives you free movement so that you can roll and loop in the exact way you wan to just like a real airplane. But for those who are used to doing this on the left analog stick, I suggest that you switch the analog sticks in the options menu. After this, the flying is like Ace Combat. The right analog stick will then allow you to still bank and climb... think of this as your rudders and flaps.
But in the end, I turned off Pro Flight because there's a lot of collision going on and the standard controls are more manageable.
Reported by Unknown at 08:38 5 comments
Labels: tips
dingo shuold u put a secret page where we we can share our msn? easier for communication! lol
Reported by t3hkor at 13:11 7 comments
If like me you are having problems wih your Jabra in that instead of your headset, voice audio comes from the TV audio, here's a solution I found at the Playstation Blog forum.
Ok, first off when turning the Jabra headset on/off you need to press and hold the button untill the blue light flashes about three times fast. Hold the button untill this happens for both turning it on and turning it off. Second, this headset seems to disconnect constantly, when you join a game wait till it starts and when it does press the call button on the headset to get it to sync up. You should start hearing others talking through the headset, if they are still coming through the tv press the button again. Once the headset is synced up press and hold the L3 button on the sixaxis to talk, you don't need to hold it if you're not talking. This could also be used as a way to see if the headset has synced up, after pressing the call button on the headset press and hold the L3 button and ask if anyone can hear you. Plugging a headset into the tv will not give you the ability to talk to others in the game, all that does is direct the audio coming from the speakers on the tv to go through the headset instead. As far as charging goes make sure it has a full charge. If you think the charge might be low then plug it in.
NOTE: You should see a speaker sign beside your name (top left corner) if you are connected and when you press L3 to talk, there'll be a beep coming from your TV to signal you're "on the air" another beep when you release
Thanks to redeagle28 from the forum (linked)
It works!
Reported by Dingo at 12:45 10 comments
Last night's match was a load of fun! For those not in the loop, a couple of use BITE guys got together in a 4 vs 4 match. Apparently 8's the max number I can host. Despite my average speed being 350kb/s!. It was a 20 minute TDM at Eucadia. I forgot to save my match rotation list so we were stuck there for a couple of games.
I was in the blue side with Hairy and I can confidently say that we were kickin' red team ass! Albeit unfairly, but we still kicked ass!
Battlefield players will know this trick:At the start of the match, we quickly took control of all the zones we could leaving them with only 1 zone to respawn in After that it was just a matter of keeping them holed up and taking them out as they tried to escape. Seems cheap but if there were more players, this could have easily backfired on us.
But they didn't go down without a fight! It was the third match that they almost got the best of us. As usual Screwy and EvilP got to take me by surprise, blowing my Warhawk out of the air before I knew it. Yoke took a chance with a Nemesis and got Hairy instead (no pun intended...I think). I'm at work now and thinking about the match is making me want to escape work and jump into another game of Warhawk. Alas, I might get fired so I'll just wait till my shift is over.
I'll be playing later tonight till the wee hours of morning. Check the Creating BITE games section to start your own BITE servers. See you in the basement (pilot lingo for "hangar". See THIS!)
Reported by Dingo at 11:00 0 comments
Like most of you, I got my copy of Warhawk on Saturaday, 1 Sept, 1345hrs. Like most of you, probably, I just popped the game in and started playing without even bothering with the headset or the instruction manual. Heck, I just went straight to the first server I could find!
First impression? Hated it. Yes I hated it because I sucked. Okay, I loved it but I hated getting my ass blown up every few minutes. I thought to myself, "I will learn to fly. This birdie will get his wings soon baby!"
But then the screen went black and I got the message "Network error" and it was the first...of many. Though it didn't bother me then, it was a pain in the Badonkadonk (or woman
s ass. Yes it's a real word. Wiki for "Badonkadonk") when after 2 hours of continous ranked matches, you get errored and realize your stats are not updated.
Gripes aside, the game is awesome. Graphics are awe-inspiring for a multiplayer game. Flying amongst the clouds is such a great feeling.No wonder Superman wears his undies on the outside. I'd piss myself too if I could play in the clouds! Gameplay is a good mixed bag. Never at any point did I feel like one method was better than the other. Be it Ground Infantry, Warhawk, or Vehicle, I always felt that I had a fighting chance against the other accept when I'm stuck with nothing but a pistol and the next base is 5 minutes away.
But the thing that struck me the most was how customisable the controls were. From alternating the analog sticks to controls for individual situations. This made the game even more user-friendly and felt
Speaking of controls, has anyone tried the "Pro Flight" control for the Warhawk? I did. The first day, I played for like 5 hours. I spent 4 hours on Pro Flight control, I crashed for 3 hours, the other hour was getting my bunda blown up.
Closing comment: What are you waiting for?
Reported by Dingo at 09:41 0 comments
So an example of a full message in the Clan message list would be:
Reported by Dingo at 08:56 10 comments
Just created the "B.I.T.E." clan inside Warhawk. Sending out invites to all members as I type!
UPDATE: I cant send invites unless you guys play the game atleast once. PM me in GAX if you already got your copy and I'll send out the invite :)Reported by HairyAsHell at 18:00 1 comments
Go to this site:
Download the parts and assembly instructions.
The end product looks like this:
Reported by Unknown at 15:31 0 comments
I present to you, the vehicles of Warhawk:
The design of the Warhawk was infuenced by two real-world aircraft. The cockpit and rearward sweep of the Warhawk's tail has subtle similarities to the WWII-era Curtiss P-40 Warhawk. And with Warhawk's strong proportions, impressive engines, distinctive tail section, and sheer ability to take a pounding, it reflects the modern-day A-10 Warthog as an effective war machine.
The German Luftwaffe of World War II heavily influences the Nemesis' design. Specifically, the Nemesis echoes some of the lines found on the Messerschmit Me-262, as well as mechanical elements from the Lockheed Martin F-35B as the articulating shaft-driven lift fan.
Reported by Dingo at 13:19 8 comments
The image will be to big to use the "save image" function in GaX so you can use an image code. The link to the image is
You can save and customise the sig to your own liking. Email me if you need help!
Reported by Dingo at 11:55 0 comments
Real name: Jayson
Age: 29
Consoles: PS3 and DS
I am very much into shooters and (old-school) military wargames in the PC.
Style #1 - Long range marksmanship. Sniping is fun just as long as the game is not so fast-paced. I'm not good at sniping in Counter Strike and Resistance because the pace is so frantic. But in BF2 and GRAW2, I can perform some decent sniping.
Style #2 - Flanking maneuver. I usually go by myself, taking the less used path, to surprise the enemy.
Warhawk focus:
I intend to focus on flying. I've never had any multiplayer air combat experience from any other game so I want to make the most out of this game. I believe that with Warhawk, the PS3 does not need Ace Combat online. :D
I currently play:
Reported by Unknown at 09:05 0 comments
Got this email from Sony stating that Asian PSN release of Warhawk is on September 4 (not September 7 as previously announced)! And the first 100 buyers will get a "secret Warhawk premium". The special gift will be announced next week. link
Reported by Unknown at 08:56 0 comments
Island Outpost With two major docking and refueling base, the island is a vital military outpost that could be the difference between winning and losing the war.
Eucadia Once a densely populated, self sustained utopia, Eucadia has been ravaged by war and the inhabitants have fled. All that remains are a handful of destroyed villages scattered about the mountainous terrain. Completely enclosed by mountain walls, the echo of your battle cry alone is enough to strike fear into your enemy.
Destroyed Capitol Above the clouds soar the blasted ruins of the Eucadian capital, sacked by Chernovan forces during the invasion. Only a handful of proud Eucadian troops remain, attempting to reclaim the once majestic city.
Bad Lands The only people crazy enough to inhabit the Badlands are the military conscripts sent there to fight over access to the desert's rare minerals. The central fotress is this region's critical tactical chokepoint.
Archipelago A group of remote islands protruding hundreds of feet into the air. Numerous small outposts set the stage for storming the middle castle
Check out the blog soon for info on vehicles!Reported by Dingo at 15:06 69 comments
Reported by Dingo at 07:56 2 comments
Warhawk: In-Flight
Warhawk: Hover
Ground Troop:
Ground Vehicle:
Reported by Dingo at 00:14 3 comments
What's your real name?
Kian Hong
What consoles do you own?
PS3 and PSP
Why ScrewyAng?
Because I screwed up 1 major aircraft maintenance job in my poly and my classmates named me “screwed-up”. And the other day, 1 of them called me screwy, so I tot, why not. Hence the name ScrewyAng. Ang is my surname btw.
How would you describe your play-style?
(With reference to how I played my BF2) Here’s how I play, most of time I will be the guy at the front line. Because I will be the one reporting the enemy position and calling for back up. I only do the killing when my teammates are not on in a good position to take the shot. For eg, my I fly the attack copter, my teammates in tanks and APCs are the main workhorse. I will fly around and report enemy position to them and if possible, do afew rocket barrages to weaken them first before my main army comes in for the kill. This tactic which my classmates (who are my teammates) use requires coordination and communication.
In short, I am better as a supporting role in Warhawk.
What about points and ranks?
Nah, I don’t give a F_ck about this. Fun over stats.
What are you intending to master in Warhawk?
Ground Trooper. Warhawk is a secondary choice if I am in the mood for it.
That’s all. Anyway, here’s my email for msn and friendster. Feel free to add.
Reported by ScrewyAng at 23:54 1 comments
Today we introduce to you gare_th. A real down to earth guy
What's your real name?
How old be ye?
What consoles have you got?
A PS3 and a XBox 360
Anything special about 'em?
My 360 just got the RROD
Gasp!! Sorry mate, the audience love suspense. What about your PS3?
I bought a PS3 just a week ago to play Warhawk!
Sa-weet. Good decision. Why worry about which is better eh! Anything else?
Hope to get the game soon to play with u guys! Thks.
Welcome, glad to have you in the team Gareth!
Reported by Dingo at 23:49 0 comments
Today I let you know a little more about me.
What's your real name?
What consoles do you own?
PS3 and Xbox 360 (2nd set)
No Wii?
I beg your pardon?
Not THAT wii but Nintendo's Wii.
Oh i see. Nope no Nintendo Wii for me ATM. I'm already shortsighted and healthy.
Why Dingo Devious?
Why not?
Are you always full of crap?
Depends on what I ate for breakfast.
(I'll take that as a yes)
What are your interests other than games?
Playing them.
Yes I know, what else?
Making wallpapers and my most favourite: women.
Ahh, playing them too?
Yes we play "chasing" a lot lately...and you're not very funny
Mustave been quite fun playing chasing all the time?
Not really.
Okay, time for some serious questions. How would you describe your playstyle?
Hmm...I'm generally a run and gun sort of guy cause I'm quite impatient and I want to kick as much ass as possible but if the situation calls for it I'd rather work as a team. I can take or give orders, no problem, but I find myself most useful when having to "parallel" myself to my teammates. I'll always check my teammates positions on the radar (unless I'm blinded by the digital adrenaline of ass-owning), I'll call out positions and respond to support (if I can find you).
What about points and ranks?
Unless I'm intending to play on my own or for myself, it doesn't really matter. Heck, have you seen my RFOM stats? They suck! That don't mean I don't kick ass though.
What are you intending to master in Warhawk?
Ground fighting is a no-brainer. I'm really interested in the dogfights and air-support is always an invaluable resource but if too many of my clanmates want to focus on the Warhawks, then I'll put myself as a Tanky.
Jack of all trades and a master of none eh? Anything more you'd like to add?
To all those who oppose BITE, chew on this **Singapore censorship board has deemed this image unsuitable for the "people"**
Thanks for your time.
Reported by Dingo at 14:26 0 comments
Seeing as to how we can't get our grubby hands on the game yet. Let's just take some time to breathe, relax and start sending complaint letters to SCEA (kidding BTW). Only clanmates can contribute to the clan blog for whatsoever purposes (maybe some other clan pissed you off and you challenged them to a GASP...clan match!!). Interested? Then PM me at GAX or send me an email. Or if you have suggestions for the site or just want to gripe about something go ahead! FYI: I'll need your email add to add you as an author. I hope to get some information on members and post them up here soon. We're not just a gaming clan, we're a social network!! - Dingo
Reported by BITE at 10:33 0 comments