Like most of you, I got my copy of Warhawk on Saturaday, 1 Sept, 1345hrs. Like most of you, probably, I just popped the game in and started playing without even bothering with the headset or the instruction manual. Heck, I just went straight to the first server I could find!
First impression? Hated it. Yes I hated it because I sucked. Okay, I loved it but I hated getting my ass blown up every few minutes. I thought to myself, "I will learn to fly. This birdie will get his wings soon baby!"
But then the screen went black and I got the message "Network error" and it was the first...of many. Though it didn't bother me then, it was a pain in the Badonkadonk (or woman
s ass. Yes it's a real word. Wiki for "Badonkadonk") when after 2 hours of continous ranked matches, you get errored and realize your stats are not updated.
Gripes aside, the game is awesome. Graphics are awe-inspiring for a multiplayer game. Flying amongst the clouds is such a great feeling.No wonder Superman wears his undies on the outside. I'd piss myself too if I could play in the clouds! Gameplay is a good mixed bag. Never at any point did I feel like one method was better than the other. Be it Ground Infantry, Warhawk, or Vehicle, I always felt that I had a fighting chance against the other accept when I'm stuck with nothing but a pistol and the next base is 5 minutes away.
But the thing that struck me the most was how customisable the controls were. From alternating the analog sticks to controls for individual situations. This made the game even more user-friendly and felt
Speaking of controls, has anyone tried the "Pro Flight" control for the Warhawk? I did. The first day, I played for like 5 hours. I spent 4 hours on Pro Flight control, I crashed for 3 hours, the other hour was getting my bunda blown up.
- Lesson Learned?
- Yes
- What did I learn?
- Stick to default
Closing comment: What are you waiting for?
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