Alright, I've finally have a usable version up. It's jumbled up so go to Warhawk Pro-Flight, Tips and Tricks to get to the first page.
Dingo out
What's on this blog:
Home to Warhawk clan B.I.T.E members
NOTE: Since this is an "OPEN" blog (members anyway) please be mindful of your words. Be polite when insulting.
-DingoAlright, I've finally have a usable version up. It's jumbled up so go to Warhawk Pro-Flight, Tips and Tricks to get to the first page.
Reported by Dingo at 19:07
Good Advice. I think I read this when I first started using proflight. Makes much more sense now that I have been using proflight for over a month now.
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Women, in general, fantasize less than their male counterparts. Those women who do fantasize are typically less visual in their sexual fantasies, are usually less focused on genitals, and are more likely to construct a story with the emotional feelings of a romantic encounter. Women also tend to involve more olfactory and auditory memories... memories of smells and sounds. To be sure, however, there are women who masturbate to their fantasies, be they romantic or erotic.
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Women, in general, fantasize less than their male counterparts.
Those women who do fantasize are typically less visual in their sexual fantasies, are usually less focused on genitals, and are more likely to construct a story with the emotional feelings of a romantic encounter.
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The desire to be sexual is not something controlled by a switch and easily turned on following the eleven o'clock news. Many people, particularly as they age or as a relationship matures, find that the easy turn ons occur less frequently, particularly late at night.
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Anal penetration can be pleasurable, but it can also be a source of physical discomfort. The muscle on the outside of the rectum, called the anal sphincter, ordinarily tightens if stimulated, which means that attempts at insertion of the penis, or even a finger, may be uncomfortable even if done slowly and gently. If penetration into the anus is forced, injury is possible. It is helpful to use a lubricant liberally and to relax and gradually dilate the sphincter by gentle manual stimulation before attempting penetration.
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The desire to be sexual is not something controlled by a switch and easily turned on following the eleven o'clock news.
Many people, particularly as they age or as a relationship matures, find that the easy turn ons occur less frequently, particularly late at night.
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Even in the most sexually liberated and self-satisfied of nations, many people still yearn to burn more, to feel ready for bedding no matter what the clock says and to desire their partner of 23 years as much as they did when their love was brand new.
The market is saturated with books on how to revive a flagging libido or spice up monotonous sex, and sex therapists say “lack of desire” is one of the most common complaints they hear from patients, particularly women.
Anal penetration can be pleasurable, but it can also be a source of physical discomfort. The muscle on the outside of the rectum, called the anal sphincter, ordinarily tightens if stimulated, which means that attempts at insertion of the penis, or even a finger, may be uncomfortable even if done slowly and gently.
If penetration into the anus is forced, injury is possible. It is helpful to use a lubricant liberally and to relax and gradually dilate the sphincter by gentle manual stimulation before attempting penetration.
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The desire to be sexual is not something controlled by a switch and easily turned on following the eleven o'clock news.
Many people, particularly as they age or as a relationship matures, find that the easy turn ons occur less frequently, particularly late at night.
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Women, in general, fantasize less than their male counterparts.
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Sildenafil Citrate is the active ingredient used to treat erectile dysfunction (impotence) in men. It can help men who have erectile dysfunction get and sustain an erection when they are sexually excited.
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Even in the most sexually liberated and self-satisfied of nations, many people still yearn to burn more, to feel ready for bedding no matter what the clock says and to desire their partner of 23 years as much as they did when their love was brand new.
The market is saturated with books on how to revive a flagging libido or spice up monotonous sex, and sex therapists say “lack of desire” is one of the most common complaints they hear from patients, particularly women.
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Anal penetration can be pleasurable, but it can also be a source of physical discomfort. The muscle on the outside of the rectum, called the anal sphincter, ordinarily tightens if stimulated, which means that attempts at insertion of the penis, or even a finger, may be uncomfortable even if done slowly and gently.
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She returned her gaze to that particular set of eyes and caught his attention.
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She returned her gaze to that particular set of eyes and caught his attention.
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She returned her gaze to that particular set of eyes and caught his attention.
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Я провалилась в какой-то транс и уже ничего не соображала. Через какое-то время парни поменялись местами. Я сосала у Олежки, а сзади меня трахал Максим. Вот он сильно хлопнул меня по ягодице и удовлетворенно произнес:
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She returned her gaze to that particular set of eyes and caught his attention.
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She returned her gaze to that particular set of eyes and caught his attention.
Then, having sent the signal she waited until a minute later when he appeared by her side and spoke, “High, I’m Greg and who, might I ask, have I the pleasure of addressing?”
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Ryan was the man who seemed to fit all her wants. He made his pass and she readily accepted. So I was that she went to dinner and back to Ryan’s hotel room to play. This evening, she had avoided any alcohol as she wanted to be able to fully enjoy what was about to happen. . . what she wanted to happen! Strange, she’d thought, having made her decision how eager she was to get on with it.
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Ryan was the man who seemed to fit all her wants. He made his pass and she readily accepted. So I was that she went to dinner and back to Ryan’s hotel room to play. This evening, she had avoided any alcohol as she wanted to be able to fully enjoy what was about to happen. . . what she wanted to happen! Strange, she’d thought, having made her decision how eager she was to get on with it.
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She returned her gaze to that particular set of eyes and caught his attention. Then, having sent the signal she waited until a minute later when he appeared by her side and spoke, “High, I’m Greg and who, might I ask, have I the pleasure of addressing?”
All around her she saw evidence of the new morality and the girls in her dorm were happily into this new life style. So it was that she made a conscious decision. She would try this new way. . . she would play the game! First, she would rid herself of that troublesome virginity!
Я провалилась в какой-то транс и уже ничего не соображала. Через какое-то время парни поменялись местами. Я сосала у Олежки, а сзади меня трахал Максим. Вот он сильно хлопнул меня по ягодице и удовлетворенно произнес:
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Боже, меня выебут в попку, - осознала я и тут же почувствовала, как головка члена коснулась ануса и стала медленно давить на него, пытаясь войти внутрь, но сфинктер сжался и не пускал.
Расслабь попу, дуреха. [url=]индивидуалки массаж[/url] [url=]проститутки-индивидуалки в городе тюмень[/url] Он чем-то смазал мой анус и снова пристроил член. На этот раз ему удалось раздвинуть колечко сфинктера. Головка вошла в анус и растянула его так, что я завыла от боли. Он вынул член и ввел снова, и так до тех пор, пока анус не научился пропускать головку относительно свободно.
Она была стройной, имела среднего размера бюст, длинные чёрные волосы и носила облегающий, тёмно-зелёный летний костюм. Он снова нагнулся ко мне. Улыбаясь, спросил, не стало ли мне легче. Я смог только кивнуть.
Он кивнул своей партнёрше, которая медленно подошла к моей машине.
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All around her she saw evidence of the new morality and the girls in her dorm were happily into this new life style. So it was that she made a conscious decision. She would try this new way. . . she would play the game! First, she would rid herself of that troublesome virginity!
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All around her she saw evidence of the new morality and the girls in her dorm were happily into this new life style. So it was that she made a conscious decision. She would try this new way. . . she would play the game! First, she would rid herself of that troublesome virginity!
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Ryan was the man who seemed to fit all her wants. He made his pass and she readily accepted. So I was that she went to dinner and back to Ryan’s hotel room to play. This evening, she had avoided any alcohol as she wanted to be able to fully enjoy what was about to happen. . . what she wanted to happen! Strange, she’d thought, having made her decision how eager she was to get on with it.
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She returned her gaze to that particular set of eyes and caught his attention. Then, having sent the signal she waited until a minute later when he appeared by her side and spoke, “High, I’m Greg and who, might I ask, have I the pleasure of addressing?”
All around her she saw evidence of the new morality and the girls in her dorm were happily into this new life style. So it was that she made a conscious decision. She would try this new way. . . she would play the game! First, she would rid herself of that troublesome virginity!
Я провалилась в какой-то транс и уже ничего не соображала. Через какое-то время парни поменялись местами. Я сосала у Олежки, а сзади меня трахал Максим. Вот он сильно хлопнул меня по ягодице и удовлетворенно произнес:
Классный станок! [url=]интим услуги частные[/url] [url=]иркутск тулун секс интим[/url] Ты ебал ее в попку? - Нет. - Опаньки. Максим резко вышел из меня и приставил член к колечку моего ануса.
Боже, меня выебут в попку, - осознала я и тут же почувствовала, как головка члена коснулась ануса и стала медленно давить на него, пытаясь войти внутрь, но сфинктер сжался и не пускал.
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Она была стройной, имела среднего размера бюст, длинные чёрные волосы и носила облегающий, тёмно-зелёный летний костюм. Он снова нагнулся ко мне. Улыбаясь, спросил, не стало ли мне легче. Я смог только кивнуть.
Он кивнул своей партнёрше, которая медленно подошла к моей машине. Начинать надо обязательно с предварительных ласк. [url=]ищу работу в интим салоне самара[/url] [url=]интим услуги с фото индив[/url] [url=]досуг в нижнем интим[/url] [url=]интим магазины в мытищах[/url] Только после них женщина должна лечь на спину, раздвинуть ноги, слегка согнуть их в коленях. В этой позе нужно позволить мужчине ввести пальцы во влагалище и двигать ими вверх-вниз, вперед-назад или стимулировать область G указательным или средним пальцем, а большим ласкать клитор. Через несколько минут - у каждой женщины время различное - мужчина почувствует сокращения более глубоких мышц, чем те, которые находятся вблизи поверхности. Их сокращения начинаются при первом оргазме. Внутренние сокращения включают глубокие тазовые мышцы. Сокращения этих мышц продолжаются дольше и доставляют женщине удовольствие.
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Ryan was the man who seemed to fit all her wants. He made his pass and she readily accepted. So I was that she went to dinner and back to Ryan’s hotel room to play. This evening, she had avoided any alcohol as she wanted to be able to fully enjoy what was about to happen. . . what she wanted to happen! Strange, she’d thought, having made her decision how eager she was to get on with it.
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