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October 16, 2007

Warhawk Pro-Flight, Tips and Tricks

    Okay, you're sick and tired of the default controls and you want to try something new. OR, you think that the default controls are too restrictive and you want more control over your Warhawk. So, you switch over to Pro-Flight control and give it a spin. You'll either A. Really like it or B. Really really hate it. If you haven't experienced Pro-Flight (I'll use PF for short) then yes, these are the only two things that will happen. There's no in between. Trust me.

    2 weeks (since I first got my hands on it) after getting frustrated with the default controls, I decided that I wanted more control and I was gonna get it no matter what! I've been using PF ever since then and I have no intention of ever turning back.

    In this guide, I'll talk about the advantages of PF and also some tips and tricks for you to try out. Before you go any further here's the laydown on PF controls:

Left analog stick: Mainly controls your aiming reticule. Also for climbs, dives and turns.

Right analog stick: Controls your craft's orientation ie. rolls, pitch, dives and climbs.

Used in tandem (eg. pull up on both LR sticks to pitch up faster) these will allow you to perform quicker turns, quicker pitches, quicker rolls. Used opposingly (eg. aim and roll), it also lets you aim and make adjustments to your aircraft's orientation at the same time. Other buttons stay the same.


. Auto-Maneuvers: Defined maneuvers you can use in the default flight controls
. Rotation: The tilt of plane ie. sideways, upside down, rightside up