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September 27, 2007

Taking a long breather...

Warhawk has got me addicted. I love the game and can't stop playing dogfights but it's time for the Dingo to take a break from Warhawk for a while. I'll be back probably after Hari Raya in better shape and with my gameface back on. Till then you fellas keep on playing and keep BSG in the limelight!


September 24, 2007


Okay ladies, here's the drill. View the FULL post and post a comment to this post (bottom of this post btw) stating your PSN ID and your designation (BSG1 or BSG2). Those who's ID is not declared (one way or another) within a stipulated time shall be given the boot!

Too many going to the Medical Center and missing in action! Get your act together and tighten them boot laces soldiers!

September 14, 2007

Just an update on the blog

Sorry for the lack of posts and features and a big sorry for not updating the clan list in the blog! I've been so caught up with work, family, especially Warhawk, and now fasting month.

I'm gonna start working on the BITE Hall of Fame after tomorrow's Deathmatch. I'm currently looking for some sort of sponsor for prizes for matches so don't have to worry about me spending my own money!!

BTW, don't you think Pizza Hut is ripping you off? I mean the regular pizza is a joke! Might as well go for 2 for 1!

September 10, 2007

Know your teammate: com_gwp

And today, we welcome com_gwp to answer a few questions.

First, why don't you introduce yourself?
Name's Benjamin Wong Jun Jie. I'm a 16 year old JC1 student.

Harsh, those 2 years will be.
Couldn't agree more.

So what's up with that nick, and how the heck are people gonna read it?
com_gwp? It’s kinda of a random-spur-of-the-moment-revelation. No particular meaning to it at all, except it signifies how much I love my com and games.

I'm sure we all have our moments of utter randomness. So what games do you play?
Anything and everything. Shooter, rpgs, rts, platforming, etc. Mostly been playing on my pc, ds, ps2, and ps3.

Why play warhawk?
Warhawk, I didn't really give much care to at first when it showed up, because I thought it was another dogfighting game which I would hardly play. Then B.I.T.E came along. And then U, me, and him + him + him + her convinced me I should check this game out. And I've never looked back since.

So what kind of play style would take?
Whenever there is a pickup or weapon around me, I take, I use. Whether it’s on ground or in the skies, I go straight for the useful things around me before I try to engage. When there are planes needed, I can take skies, or when a base needs defending, I'll try to be there. I'm try to be a team player, and usually work best when there are allies around me....except when my poor aim gets the better of everyone.

Sounds like you're quite the teamkiller yourself.
Don't remind me. I used to be called the flash-banger in CS after my infamous flash-bang tactics wiped my team time and time......and time again.

Well, I'll try to stay outta your crosshairs then. Thanks for the time.
Peace, dude.

September 09, 2007

BITE expanded: BSG2!!

Because of the 30 man clan cap, cwchua7 has volunteered to lead the BSG2 team. Kudoos and big thanks man! There will be no changes for members, just chua7 and me will coordinate for things like BSG games.

Interested members can still PM/email me or PM cwchua7 at the GaX forums.

September 08, 2007

Know your teammate: HairyAsHell

Yo! Wassup?
Nothing much. Just being hairy as usual!

So why the "hairy" in your name? Are you THAT hairy?

Ewww! gross.
Well, its not my fault. Besides, "hairy" also implies, I put people in such situations online whether it be teammates or opponents. I wont go into details of that.

Speaking of online, whats your favorite method of play in Warhawk?
I like the Warhawks in general, but I like going all out in every way possible whether be it on foot, vehicles, turrets, or the planes. It all depends on the situation. And oh yeah, I LOVE firing AA missiles at people, but I HATE it when they are being fired at me!

Btw, why dont we see you online much?
Unfortunately, I can barely squeeze time out to play on weekdays. Happy to say, I do have a "life" other than gaming. But dont get me wrong, if I stay away from gaming even for a day, my fingers get itchy and not because they have hair on them.

Stop with the lame hair jokes already!
Ok my bad! You were saying?

How long have you been gaming and what consoles do you currently own?
I've been gaming as long as I can remember since the Atari 2600 days, but I wasnt as hardcore as I am now since I have some money in my wallet. Currently I have a PS3 (duh!), PS2, PSP, Wii and PC, but I guess that doesnt count as a "console". But I do use it to play the Microsoft exclusive games.

Huh? How come no Xbox 360? How can you call yourself a "hardcore" without one? Are you a fanboy/hater?
Screw you!!! I dont have to buy all consoles to play the games I WANT! Go read my blog if you are so curious why I dont own one!

Alright alright! chill! So any last words?
Warhawk server issues have been resolved. Thanks Dylan! HairyAsHell out!

September 06, 2007

Know your teammate: t3hkor

Hey man
yo dudes!

I can't pronounce your nick without sounding like a !kung bushman? Anything easier?
u guys can call me t3hkor or draco.

Give us a little draco history lesson
well i played halflife many yrs back known as [CR]Mad^draco

Why t3hkor?
t3hkor is given by my classmates teh kor. well ( long story ) haha

So its teh kor. Anything else?
love gaming. u guys can gimme a nudge if u guys wana play together on msn :)

Thanks for your time draco

Know your teammate: BaiBai

Okay folks! Today we speak to BaiBai.

Hello BaiBai.
Hi everyone :DHaha, forgot to self intro :P

No problem man. What's your real name?
Real name is Max. 27yrs old. No sisters!! :P

Woah, you read my mind there. Too bad, I like sisters. What do you do?
Working as Naval Combat Specialist in Tuas Naval Base. In service for around 6yrs+

Ah, working for the Man. I love cats. Got any pets?
Got 2 dogs, who like to screw each other(cause both male :P )

Got a cute gf whom I love very much and wish to marry her.

Good for you man. Don't forget to invite the clan for your wedding. Consoles?
Consoles wise I got PS1 PS2 PS3 PSP. Bought a 32" TV juz for PS3(but got conned! buy too expensive! T_T;; )

It's the Man's doing I tell you! Anything else?
Hope i can assist in our clan in kicking other clans asses :P

Sa-weet. Thanks for your time bro.

September 05, 2007

Reporting In!

Hi guys this is me or you folks can call me Fings in short! oh yah add me into the clan list :)

Dedicated ranked game Thursday night!!

I'm hosting one tomorrow night (6th September) Details here:

What is Pro Flight

As you have noticed, the left analog stick does not allow the plane to roll and loop. Only bank and climb. One flick of the right analog stick will make you roll and loop though. When you set to "Pro Flight", the right analog stick gives you free movement so that you can roll and loop in the exact way you wan to just like a real airplane. But for those who are used to doing this on the left analog stick, I suggest that you switch the analog sticks in the options menu. After this, the flying is like Ace Combat. The right analog stick will then allow you to still bank and climb... think of this as your rudders and flaps.

But in the end, I turned off Pro Flight because there's a lot of collision going on and the standard controls are more manageable.

September 03, 2007

Gaming tonight!

dingo shuold u put a secret page where we we can share our msn? easier for communication! lol

Solutions: Jabra headset

If like me you are having problems wih your Jabra in that instead of your headset, voice audio comes from the TV audio, here's a solution I found at the Playstation Blog forum.

Ok, first off when turning the Jabra headset on/off you need to press and hold the button untill the blue light flashes about three times fast. Hold the button untill this happens for both turning it on and turning it off. Second, this headset seems to disconnect constantly, when you join a game wait till it starts and when it does press the call button on the headset to get it to sync up. You should start hearing others talking through the headset, if they are still coming through the tv press the button again. Once the headset is synced up press and hold the L3 button on the sixaxis to talk, you don't need to hold it if you're not talking. This could also be used as a way to see if the headset has synced up, after pressing the call button on the headset press and hold the L3 button and ask if anyone can hear you. Plugging a headset into the tv will not give you the ability to talk to others in the game, all that does is direct the audio coming from the speakers on the tv to go through the headset instead. As far as charging goes make sure it has a full charge. If you think the charge might be low then plug it in.

NOTE: You should see a speaker sign beside your name (top left corner) if you are connected and when you press L3 to talk, there'll be a beep coming from your TV to signal you're "on the air" another beep when you release

Thanks to redeagle28 from the forum (linked)

It works!

What a Match!!

Last night's match was a load of fun! For those not in the loop, a couple of use BITE guys got together in a 4 vs 4 match. Apparently 8's the max number I can host. Despite my average speed being 350kb/s!. It was a 20 minute TDM at Eucadia. I forgot to save my match rotation list so we were stuck there for a couple of games.

Woopee!I was in the blue side with Hairy and I can confidently say that we were kickin' red team ass! Albeit unfairly, but we still kicked ass!
Battlefield players will know this trick:At the start of the match, we quickly took control of all the zones we could leaving them with only 1 zone to respawn in After that it was just a matter of keeping them holed up and taking them out as they tried to escape. Seems cheap but if there were more players, this could have easily backfired on us.

But they didn't go down without a fight! It was the third match that they almost got the best of us. As usual Screwy and EvilP got to take me by surprise, blowing my Warhawk out of the air before I knew it. alasYoke took a chance with a Nemesis and got Hairy instead (no pun intended...I think). I'm at work now and thinking about the match is making me want to escape work and jump into another game of Warhawk. Alas, I might get fired so I'll just wait till my shift is over.

I'll be playing later tonight till the wee hours of morning. Check the Creating BITE games section to start your own BITE servers. See you in the basement (pilot lingo for "hangar". See THIS!)

What a Game!!

Like most of you, I got my copy of Warhawk on Saturaday, 1 Sept, 1345hrs. Like most of you, probably, I just popped the game in and started playing without even bothering with the headset or the instruction manual. Heck, I just went straight to the first server I could find!

First impression? Hated it. Yes I hated it because I sucked. Okay, I loved it but I hated getting my ass blown up every few minutes. I thought to myself, "I will learn to fly.Doh! This birdie will get his wings soon baby!"
But then the screen went black and I got the message "Network error" and it was the first...of many. Though it didn't bother me then, it was a pain in the Badonkadonk (or woman s ass. Yes it's a real word. Wiki for "Badonkadonk") when after 2 hours of continous ranked matches, you get errored and realize your stats are not updated.

Head...achesGripes aside, the game is awesome. Graphics are awe-inspiring for a multiplayer game. Flying amongst the clouds is such a great feeling.No wonder Superman wears his undies on the outside. I'd piss myself too if I could play in the clouds! Gameplay is a good mixed bag. Never at any point did I feel like one method was better than the other. Be it Ground Infantry, Warhawk, or Vehicle, I always felt that I had a fighting chance against the other accept when I'm stuck with nothing but a pistol and the next base is 5 minutes away.

But the thing that struck me the most was how customisable the controls were. From alternating the analog sticks to controls for individual situations. This made the game even more user-friendly and felt

Speaking of controls, has anyone tried the "Pro Flight" control for the Warhawk? I did. The first day, I played for like 5 hours. I spent 4 hours on Pro Flight control, I crashed for 3 hours, the other hour was getting my bunda blown up.

  • Lesson Learned?
  • What did I learn?
    Stick to default

Closing comment: What are you waiting for?

Solutions: Creating/Joining BITE servers

Here's what we can do when creating games for ourselves:
  1. Go to the "Clan" window
  2. Create a message stating:
    1. Name of server
    2. Type R/UR (As in Ranked or Unranked)
    3. Password (your own password)
  3. Create server starting with "BSG" (since "bite" is a bad word...)
  4. Play till your balls turn blue!!

So an example of a full message in the Clan message list would be:

"BSGkickarse UR biteme"

With "biteme" as the password.

Happy gaming fellas!!

Note: I recommend those who can host at least 10 to create

September 01, 2007

B.I.T.E clan created!!!

Just created the "B.I.T.E." clan inside Warhawk. Sending out invites to all members as I type!

UPDATE: I cant send invites unless you guys play the game atleast once. PM me in GAX if you already got your copy and I'll send out the invite :)